Sunday, January 16, 2011

NEW ARTIST! - So you wanna hear an Encore?!

Erm yes please! Especially if these guys are on stage...

New group Encore are the latest discovered I've found on the web. There sound is a mix of Hip-hop/Pop/Rap/RnB and is amazingly infectious plus their not bad to look at either. The group is made up of Pierre, Mark & Cairo and there signed to record label Major. Their first single 'Wind Up' is energetic and will having you definitely asking for an encore (see what I did there!? Not funny. Ok), its out on 13th February and if your a true fan of British music you should support them because they're are definitely going to be making waves in the industry (There also working with superstar producer RedOne). Have a listen to their first single 'Wind Up'...

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