It is eight more nights in a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) lockup for India’s high profile MP and sports administrator Suresh Kalmadi with a court Tuesday (26-Apr-2011) sending him to police custody till May 4 on charges of irregularities in awarding contracts for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.
The Indian Olympic Association removed the organiser of the scandal-hit Delhi Commonwealth Games as its president on Tuesday, hours after a court ordered him held in custody on graft charges.
IOA announced that its senior vice president Vijay Kumar Malhotra will be the 'officiating president' in the 'long absence of president.' Kalmadi was heading the association for 15 years.
Mr. Malhotra said he will call a meeting of the IOA Executive Board at the earliest in consultation with the Secretary-General Mr. Randhir Singh, who is out of town, and discuss the situation arising out of the arrest of Mr. Kalmadi.
However, Kalmadi will not be eligible to seek bail before 90 days with the CBI Tuesday adding charges of forgery in its FIR against him and two other CWG officials arrested Monday (25-Apr-2011).
IOA announced that its senior vice president Vijay Kumar Malhotra will be the 'officiating president' in the 'long absence of president.' Kalmadi was heading the association for 15 years.
Mr. Malhotra said he will call a meeting of the IOA Executive Board at the earliest in consultation with the Secretary-General Mr. Randhir Singh, who is out of town, and discuss the situation arising out of the arrest of Mr. Kalmadi.
However, Kalmadi will not be eligible to seek bail before 90 days with the CBI Tuesday adding charges of forgery in its FIR against him and two other CWG officials arrested Monday (25-Apr-2011).