The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Suresh Kalmadi, former chief organiser of the Delhi Commonwealth Games on Monday (25-Apr-2011) as part of a crackdown in a slew of corruption scandals.
Following the action by CBI, Congress wasted no time in suspending the Lok Sabha MP.
"The disciplinary committee of the party has suspended Suresh Kalmadi," Congress general secretary Janardan Dwivedi told reporters.
The action came hours after Kalmadi was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for alleged financial irregularities in the conduct of the biggest international sporting event which India hosted.
Mr. Kalmadi was earlier removed from the post of Congress Parliamentary Party Secretary after controversies hit the Games. After the Games, he was sacked as chief of the Orgnaizing Committee by the government.
The agency also arrested two other OC officials Surjeet Lal, deputy director general (procurement) and A SV Prasad, joint director general (sports) in the same case.
Kalmadi, an MP from Pune, and the two other officials will be in CBI custody tonight and they will be produced in a court on Tuesday.
"The disciplinary committee of the party has suspended Suresh Kalmadi," Congress general secretary Janardan Dwivedi told reporters.
The action came hours after Kalmadi was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for alleged financial irregularities in the conduct of the biggest international sporting event which India hosted.
Mr. Kalmadi was earlier removed from the post of Congress Parliamentary Party Secretary after controversies hit the Games. After the Games, he was sacked as chief of the Orgnaizing Committee by the government.
The agency also arrested two other OC officials Surjeet Lal, deputy director general (procurement) and A SV Prasad, joint director general (sports) in the same case.
Kalmadi, an MP from Pune, and the two other officials will be in CBI custody tonight and they will be produced in a court on Tuesday.