Deepika Padukone is excited to share the screen space with Rajinikanth for the first time in Rana. The actress says that she would not say it is a dream come true because she never even dreamt of playing the Superstar's heroine.
The Rana team held its first press meet in Chennai on Friday (April 29) evening at a popular five star venue. The press meet was to introduce Deepika Padukone and give a brief on the film.
It's her first Tamil flick and Bollywood bombshell Deepika Padukone is thrilled that she's got an opportunity to star with none other than Superstar Rajinikanth.
"I will not even call this a dream come true because it seemed so impossible that I did not even dream that this would happen one day," she said at a press meet for Rana.
DP is currently busy shooting a song sequence at a studio in Mumbai. She said to a daily, "Friday was my first day of shoot. We are shooting a song sequence to a number tuned by A R Rahman, the composer of the film."
Deepika has a lot of respect for Rajnikanth and considers him to be one of the legendary actors in the country. "It can`t get bigger and better than this. I`m south Indian myself and have long wanted to debut in Kollywood with a big film. Though I`ve been listening to scripts, it was when ‘Rana’ came along that I decided that this is the one for me. I think it`s destiny." Has she seen any of the Superstar`s films? "I`ve only seen ‘Robot’ till now."
It's her first Tamil flick and Bollywood bombshell Deepika Padukone is thrilled that she's got an opportunity to star with none other than Superstar Rajinikanth.
"I will not even call this a dream come true because it seemed so impossible that I did not even dream that this would happen one day," she said at a press meet for Rana.
DP is currently busy shooting a song sequence at a studio in Mumbai. She said to a daily, "Friday was my first day of shoot. We are shooting a song sequence to a number tuned by A R Rahman, the composer of the film."
Deepika has a lot of respect for Rajnikanth and considers him to be one of the legendary actors in the country. "It can`t get bigger and better than this. I`m south Indian myself and have long wanted to debut in Kollywood with a big film. Though I`ve been listening to scripts, it was when ‘Rana’ came along that I decided that this is the one for me. I think it`s destiny." Has she seen any of the Superstar`s films? "I`ve only seen ‘Robot’ till now."